Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Here is a recent piece on our friend and repeat client Richie from Australia...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Here is another one from the Archives of a client who wanted to get a piece for his Pops..

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sheridan Animation Year End

Yes, as April draws to a close, so too does this year of the Sheridan College Animation program. The last few weeks are always pretty crazy, with students trying to stay on top of last assignment deadlines and we in the faculty going bug-eyed from all of the final grading! But now it's done and everybody can breathe a collective sigh of relief and start enjoying the spring and summer weather to come.

Here are a few photos I took this week and some caricatures of my 2nd Year students:

The selection process behind which student caricatures made it into this particular montage was determined by the following group shot photo at Monaghan's Pub across the street from Sheridan, taken after my classes wrapped up on Thursday April 22. The students in the caricature are Laurel Dalgleish, Evee Fex-Chriszt, Drew Petursson, Justin Hartley, Keely Turple and Caroline Hung. Hopefully you can match them all up with their real faces pictured below. The wise old sage in the photo is none other than my friend and Sheridan Animation colleague, Mark Mayerson, whose terrific blog is probably well known to many of my readers.

This pretty young lady is Lisa Kathofer, another one of my 2nd Year Character Design students who finally had her caricature drawn on the last day. Watch those deadlines, Lisa!

The fellow pictured above is Josh Heisie, a student in the Film and Television program at Sheridan, who is a friend of my former student, Amir Avni.

For the entire series of Sheridan 2009/2010 2nd Year mugshots, you can find them all posted here on my Facebook page.

Incidentally, for those in the vicinity, I'll be drawing caricatures along with several animation students for visitors to Sheridan's Open House, coming up this Saturday, May 1st. Here are some pics from last year's event. I hope some of you can stop by to say hello!


Here is one from the Archives..

Monday, April 26, 2010

Steve Mellor

Steve writes:

It is really cool to see all my work on the Spider-Ham backup stories in one place. It makes me wish they'd publish a collection. Interesting also to see the style/technique progression from Goose Rider to Secret Furs. Just when I felt I was getting in a groove, Marvel cancelled the book. You can find puzzle illustrations I did in old Games Magazines and a one shot I did called Rock Lobster in a publication called Pure Entertainment put out by a guy named Pete Friedrich (probably impossible to track down). There is a Spider-Ham article in a recent issue of Back Issue, so between that and this, it is nice to be rediscovered. Thanks for posting my stuff! Steve Mellor

Thank you, Steve, for the wonderful comics. They really create this perfect cartoon world- I wish I could live in them! Very inspirational.

Let Steve know how much you love his comics!


Steve adds:

Thanks for all the nice comments. My career in comic books was pretty brief. I never made a lot of money at it and being self-taught I was frequently frustrated by my own limitations. Being appreciated 25 years later (yikes!) and finding out that my work actually influenced and inspired other cartoonists makes me realize it was all worthwhile. Cartooning at its best can be one of the most personal of art forms. Like most of the things I've done in my Iife, I fell into and out of professional cartooning and maybe one of these days I'll actually get paid to do it again. But if not, it's nice to know I made a small mark in the field. Thanks again and keep on making and enjoying funny little drawings. Steve Mellor


Here is a ruff sketch on a client who came down from Australia, look out for the finished piece..

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Steve Mellor: Secret Furs


Whats up world? This is Sal again I have been up all night going through images of 1967 and 1968 Impalas so I can learn the differences in the features that changed in the body styles..
This is "Evil Ways" a 1968 Impala of Lifestyle Car Club, one of many that I used for a thorough review.

Monday, April 19, 2010


This is Sal the apprentice.. After being scolded by Cartoon. I'm here to make a correction to the post. I apologize to Cartoon and the Lowriding community for making the mistake of calling "Cuervo Gold" a 1968 Impala. It is actually a 1967 Impala FastBack!
May the Gods of Lowriding have mercy on me and I'm completely sorry for confusing the new school.

Steve Mellor: Croak & Badger

Steve Mellor: Kinetic Kids